- Primatial See of Nova-Terra -
The Original, Historic, and Canonical Old Roman Catholic
Tridentine Mass Jurisdiction in The Americas
Founded at Jerusalem in 33 A.D.; Organized at Utrecht in 696 A.D.; Established in Great Britain in 1908 A.D.; Established in America in 1914 A.D.
SS 100 Introduction to the Study of Sacred Scripture
This course has three purposes:
To aid the student in getting acquainted with the Bible as well as developing the skills needed to makes use of those tools;
To aid the student in understanding the Bible as the Word of God;
To aid the student in understanding the development of the Bible as a normative text for the Church.
Among issues discussed in this course will be: the historical-critical method, tradition history, the Bible as literature, the transmission of the Bible, its various English translations and textual criticism.
SS 101 Hermeneutics and Exegisis I
This course involves a careful study of the principles of Scriptural interpretation and explanation, including: original languages and the languages of translation; philology and linguistics; textual, literary and form criticism; cultural, historical, geographical and other conditions influencing the writers of the Scriptures; and the facts and truths of salvation history.
SS 103 The Apocrypha / Deuterocanonicals and the Pseudepigrapha
This course involves the study of those books mistakenly called the Apocrypha by Protestant Churches or the Deuterocanonical Books by the Catholic Church together with other apocryphal writings of the Old Testament (commonly called the Pseudepigrapha) and of the New Testament (such as the Apocryphal Gospels of James, Thomas the Arabic Gospel of the Infancy, the History of Joseph, and the various books of Acts by John, Paul, Peter and Andrew.
OT 100 Introduction to the Study of the Old Testament
This course is designed to help the student:
understand the context of each book of the Old Testament,
2) appreciate the poetic and narrative skills witnessed in the Old Testament,
3) comprehend the themes and theologies developed in the Old Testament.
OT 101 The Penteteuch
A survey of modern scholarship will allow the student to realize the present situation in Pentateuchal studies. Together with the so-called documentary hypothesis, other more recent proposals will be presented. The critical analysis of many texts will illustrate and manifest the strengths and weaknesses of the different approaches.
OT 103 The Historical Books
This course is a study of the composition, structure, purpose, historical background and theological themes of the following books from the Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, Joshua, I and II Samuel, and I and II Kings. There is also exegesis of selected passages.
OT 105 The Psalms
The structure and meaning of the Psalms will be studied in relationship to their Hebrew roots and their later use by the Christian community.
OT 107 Isaiah
The purpose of this course is to provide the student with an opportunity to appreciate the artistry and theology of the Book of Isaiah. We will approach the book as a literary unity and engage in close reading of selected passages with an aim to:
gleaning what we can of the historical milieu;
discovering what literary techniques the author has employed to sustain our interest and convey his message;
and benefiting from the book’s manifold insights into the relationship between people and God.
NT 100 Introduction to the Study of the New Testament
An introduction to the world of the New Testament, to the various writings which comprise it (who wrote them, where, when and why), to the thought expressed by these writings and to the process by which they were gathered into the New Testament.
NT 101 The Synoptics
Topics considered in this course include: the structure, purpose, historicity, authorship and theological themes of each of the synoptic gospels and hypothetical attempts to account for the similarities and differences between these gospels. An exegesis of selected passages will also be included.
NT 102 The Gospel of Saint John
The study of the Gospel of John within the context of its historical environment. Through a careful reading of selected passages, this course explores the Fourth Gospel's distinctive way of telling the story of Jesus. Historical, theological, literary, and homiletical issues will be considered.
NT 103 The Acts of the Apostles
An examination of the events in this earliest record of the life of the Church in the apostolic age, as a vital model of spiritual and ecclesiological development for the contemporary Christian and the Church in our age.
NT 104 The Pauline Epistles
A systematic synthesis of the theology which underlies the letters of Paul, especially his letter to the Romans. We will consider Paul's understanding of:
the human condition,
God's transformation of that condition through Jesus Christ,
the appropriate human response to that transformation.
NT 105 The Catholic Epistles
A study of the seven epistles of James, 1 and 2 Peter, 1, 2, and 3 John and Jude. Commonly called the catholic Epistles since it was once thought that they were not written for specific Christian communities but rather for all Christians universally.
NT 106 The Apocalypse (Revelation) and Apocalyptic Literature in the Sacred Scriptures
This course focuses on the eschatological dimension of biblical revelation. Exemplified especially in the book of Revelation, apocalyptic literature is found in both the Old and New Testaments. Topics covered include the characteristic features and major themes of apocalyptic literature, and the similarities and differences between biblical and extra-biblical apocalyptic literature.
TH 100 Introduction to Theology
An introduction to theological method: the intellectual and scientific methodology of contemporary theological reflection (sources, criteria, presuppositions and the instruments of theological research). Revelation as divine self-communication experienced in faith. The principles that guide our systematic understanding of Christian faith.
TH 101 Dogmatic Theology
This course involves the student in learning to think theologically. Beginning with the doctrine of Creation and the Fall, the course moves into the Incarnation and its implications. The historical development of the Doctrines of Christ and the Dogma of the Holy Trinity are central to the course. A theological understanding of the nature of the Church, its goal and purpose concludes the course.
TH 102 Moral Theology
An investigation of fundamental themes in moral theology. A discussion of the meaning of Christian personhood, responsibility and freedom, law, norms and context in the Christian life will be explored. The goal of this course is to identify the principles and horizons from which concrete ethical decisions are determined in the Christian life.
TH 103 Sacramental Theology
This course will consider the development of general sacramental theology in light of its historical development and recent developments in the areas of scripture, ecclesiology, anthropology, psychology, and sociology regarding the relationship of ritual behavior and spirituality. The goal of the course is to understand:
the development of sacramental theology in the history of the Church;
the dynamics involved in and the means necessary for good parish sacramental celebrations.
TH 105 Christology
This course provides a study of the Nature and Person of Jesus Christ based upon Sacred Scripture, the Councils, and other organs of tradition, with the reflections of leading theologians. Students are required to reflect theologically on the Person of Jesus, his divine and human natures, his passion, death, resurrection, ascension and lordship.
TH 106 Ecclesiology This course is a doctrinal investigation into the nature and characteristics of the Roman Catholic Church and the Old Roman Catholic Church; its attributes; its structures; its mission and its relation to the world.
TH 111 Apologetics
In this course students examine the nature of apologetics and the ways in which apologetics is used to deal with the principal facts in Christianity, and God's self disclosure transmitted in the Church to believers in the contemporary world. The scope of study includes the history of apologetics, apologetics as a discipline, the theological nature of apologetics, and the method of apologetics to answer, account for, and defend aspects of the Catholic faith tradition.
TH 112 Mariology I
The person of Mary of Nazareth will be examined in light of the Church's earliest teachings. In this study her connections to Jesus Christ and to the mystery of the Church will be stressed. Also, ancient liturgical hymns such as the "Akathist" and the homilies of the later Fathers (8th century) will highlight the foreshadowing of the dogmas of the Assumption and the Immaculate Conception.
TH 114 Hagiography
A study in the life, works, writings and documents of or about the Saints.
TH 116 Theology of Ministry and Priesthood
This course presents a historical and systematic study of Orders: the scripture texts, patristic sources, and subsequent development of dogma. The course includes study of the development and theology of the three degrees of the sacrament of Orders, with emphasis on the configuration to Christ, the Head and Shepherd of the Church, in His threefold office of priest, teacher, and pastor in the life of all who are ordained.
TH 118 Liturgical Theology
Liturgical Theology is a study of the origins, developments, discipline and doctrine that surround the rituals and worship of the Church. This course surveys the history of liturgy from its Scriptural origins to the reforms of today, in both Eastern and Western Churches. This survey includes the history and significance of liturgical art, architecture, seasons, feasts and solemnities.
CL 100 Introduction to the Study of Canon Law
This course provides a general introduction to the Code of Canon Law as it relates to pastoral ministry, including the notion of law in general and in Church usage; the source of the governing power in the Church and its nature; the rights and obligations of the Christian faithful in the Church; distinctions between laypersons and clerics and their respective roles in the life and governance of the Church; universal and local Church structures; the Church's teaching office; the nature and use of sanctions in the Church.
CL 101 The History and Development of Canon Law
This course will address theological, historical, canonical, and pastoral aspects of Canon Law. It is a Systematic introduction to church law, its history, evaluation and practical application in the life of the church. This course constitutes an extensive study of the canons of the Western Church regarding the Church.
CL 102 The Ecumenical Councils and their Laws and Decrees
This course will survey the various Ecumenical Councils and the various local councils and synods to study their decrees and the canons and laws which were passed at them.
CL 105 The Roman Catholic Code of 1917 An in-depth study of the Roman Catholic Code of 1917 as it forms the basis and corpus of the Canons of The North American Old Roman Catholic Church.
CL 109 Canon Law of The North American Old Roman Catholic Church
A study of the history and development of the Constitution and Canon Law of The North American Old Roman Catholic Church.
PH 100 An Introduction to the Study of Philosophy
This is a basic introductory course for the graduate student who has no philosophical background. It will provide the student with a general overview of information and terminology regarding the use of philosophy in theological thought (e.g., categories of cause; form and matter; substance, nature, and essence).
PH 101 Scholastic Philosophy
This course is a study of the most representative thinkers, beginning with St. Augustine and Boethius and ending withSt. Albert the Great, St. Bonaventure, and St. Thomas Aquinas.
PH 102 Thomistic Philosophy
Topics include Aquinas on medieval education; rise of universities; faith and reason; Aristotelian thought; Aquinas on the world and man; man as a moral agent; the meaning of life; the ultimate end of human action; the parameters of moral action; difference between knowledge and faith; God; the spirit of Thomism.
PH 105 Ethics An analysis of man's ultimate end; human act, voluntariness, freedom and imputability; qualitative vs. quantitative ethics and contemporary applications; and Lublin Personalism. This course will examine the ethical teachings of various philosophers throughout history. Questions to be discussed include: "What is good? What makes a good life? How does one make ethical judgments?" Special attention is given to the role of virtues in the philosophy of St. Thomas.
BL 100 Latin I
This is the first part of a two part course to provide an intensive program of basic Latin grammar, syntax, and vocabulary.
BL 102 Greek I This is the first part of a two-semester course, which teaches Greek grammar, vocabulary and verbal forms. It focuses primarily on preparing students to read the Greek New Testament.
BL 104 Hebrew I
An introduction (part 1) to the study of Old Testament Hebrew through basic grammar and vocabulary with exercises in translation and analysis of selected biblical readings.
SE 100 Public Speaking and Reading
This course centers on practical training to develop and improve skills in preparation and delivery of homilies. Key factors that will be developed include reading for clarity and deliverance, body carriage consciousness, speaking personally, timing, pace, a working toward spontaneity, an awareness of the various minds that are listening, and the aura of authority that must be sustained from sacristy to sanctuary.
SE 101 Rhetoric and Elocution
This course concentrates on the proclamation of scriptural and liturgical texts employed in public worship. Attention is given to style and quality of proclamation which bring written texts to power in the spoken word. Presentation of poetry and various literary works are used in class as preliminary exercises to the interpretation of texts used in liturgy. This course will provide the students with the ability to distinguish the rhetorical properties of the four traditional genres of preaching: Evangelization, Catechesis, Theological Argument and Homiletic. Practice and skill-building sessions will include all four types of preaching with major emphasis on homiletic as a rhetorical genre, incorporating all essential scriptural, liturgical and contextual elements.
SE 102 Homiletics I
This course prepares candidates for clear, effective proclamation of various biblical texts, emphasizing voice and body language, which assist in drawing the full attention of the listeners. Some classic examples of English literature are used to highlight linguistic communication. Practical principles of effective communication are exemplified in the delivery of a brief homily for an ordinary daily liturgy. Evaluation techniques guide the students toward achieving clarity in a brief homily.
SE 103 Homiletics II
This course is directed to the preparation of the Sunday homily and special days in the liturgical year. The course emphasizes the importance of theological reflection in preaching. Each seminarian will have the opportunity to present extemporaneous homilies on Scripture texts and to prepare homilies for specific Sundays, feasts, and sacramental celebrations. Evaluation of homilies by professors and peers will augment self evaluations.
SE 109 The Art of Preaching For Deacons and Priests
The purpose of this course is to assist the deacon or priest with the continuing development of his preaching skills. This aim will be accomplished through the presentation of Church teaching concerning preaching and evangelization, the explication of verbal skills necessary for effective public speaking and student presentation of homilies and public addresses. The instructor will assist each student in the development of his public speaking skills through constructive critique. Reserved for Deacons and Priests.
SM 100 Gregorian Chant and Plainchant
This course is a study of Gregorian notation and modality; performance practice; sight-reading with solfeggio; rhythmic interpretation; repertoire of liturgical chants.
SM 105 Liturgical Music This course presents an overview of liturgical music, including its history, the study of texts regarding the role of music in liturgy and how to address local parish concerns. It will also include a vocal practicum with an introduction to basic vocal technique.
CH 100 General Church History
A survey of the development of the Church from 70 A.D. to the 20th century. Particular attention will be paid to the distinguishing characteristics of the Church in each of the major eras of its history: from its theological self-understanding to its institutional expression. The unifying focus of this course will be the history of the Church's self-understanding and the formation and development of structures to fulfill that mission.
CH 101 Patristic Church History (60-600 AD)
This course will explore the beginnings of the Church in detail -- with a special eye toward gaining insights into the character and mission of the church Furthermore, this course will integrate readings from the Church Fathers within a chronological development of Christianity which begins with its separation from Judaism and ends with its successful coping with the barbarian invasions.
CH 102 Medieval Church History (600-1600 AD)
A study of the institutional, cultural, spiritual and theological picture of the Middle Ages with a special emphasis on spirituality and the development of the Papacy. Special attention will be given to the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter-Reformation.
CH 103 Modern Church History (1600 AD- present) The highlights of Roman Catholicism during this era: reaction to the Protestant Reformation, the Enlightenment, 19th century theologies, especially John Henry Cardinal Newman and the Oxford Movement, the Syllabus of Errors andVatican I, Modernism, 20th century challenges, especially Rome and the Fascists.
PA 100 Introduction to Patristic Studies
This course serves as an introduction to the concept of “Fathers of the Church” and to the significance of the patristic tradition. It provides a survey of the lives, teachings, historical and cultural context, and significant texts of the Fathers of the Church as well as other ancient Christian writers. The historical part of this course will cover the period from the Apostolic Fathers to the Seventh Ecumenical Council. The examination of texts will begin with the Apostolic Fathers, and end with St. Athanasius the Great in the fourth century. With this patristic tradition, which is unique, irreplaceable, perennially valid, and foundational for the development of all later theology, an understanding of the Church’s theological vision is established.
PA 101 Patristic Sources I- (The Greek Fathers of the Church)
This is the first of a two-part course. It continues the examination of significant patristic texts from the mid-fourth century until the time of St. Theodore the Studite in the early ninth century. Emphasis will be placed on both Greek and Latin Fathers, such as St Gregory of Nyssa, St. John Chrysostom, St. Ambrose, St. Augustine of Hippo, Pseudo-Dionysius, Pope St. Gregory the Great, the Venerable Bede, St. Maximus the Confessor, and St. John of Damascus. Some attention will also be paid to the Syriac tradition, e.g., the writings of St. Isaac of Ninevah.
PA 102 Patristic Sources II- (The Latin Fathers of the Church)
This is the second of a two-part course. It continues the examination of significant patristic texts from the mid-fourth century until the time of St. Theodore the Studite in the early ninth century. Emphasis will be placed on both Greek and Latin Fathers, such as St Gregory of Nyssa, St. John Chrysostom, St. Ambrose, St. Augustine of Hippo, Pseudo-Dionysius, Pope St. Gregory the Great, the Venerable Bede, St. Maximus the Confessor, and St. John of Damascus. Some attention will also be paid to the Syriac tradition, e.g., the writings of St. Isaac of Ninevah.
PA 103 The Doctors of the Church
This course presumes a solid foundation in Church history and the most significant aspects of the Fathers of the Church to theology. This course is primarily an opportunity to delve deeply into the writings of the Doctors of the Church in these areas: biblical exegesis, sacramental initiation, pastoral ministry, social teachings and spiritual life.
LA 100 English I
A remedial course providing a basic but thorough study of the rules of English grammar, punctuation, and writing skills. This course is designed to help students understand the writing process and supply them with all of the components that they need to research and write a good paper.
LA 101 English II
This course helps the students to develop skills in critical reading and analysis of professional literature and in composition of coherent, well-formed written argumentation.
This course helps the student understand the basics of pastoral care, with an emphasis on "foundations," covering both theories and personalities. Discussion on effective utilization of the Holy Scripture in counseling. An overview of the issues, dynamics, and disorders that the pastoral counselor may face with an emphasis on the responsibilities, ministerial methods, and rational limits of pastoral care and the appropriateness of treatment or referral.
This course focuses more closely on "themes and theological issues" relevant to pastoral care. Legal and ethical issues in ministry: Defines the legal responsibility of ministry within the context of local and state laws. Helps the student to develop a counseling policy as a means of prevention as well as recognition of one's own competence in specific areas. The student will learn legal obligations, boundaries in ministry, litigation prevention, client confidence, support policy and referral resources within the counseling, social work, and psychiatric and clinical psychological professions. Instruction on basic and essential counseling skills such as goal setting, attentiveness, reflection and mirroring, probing, focusing, and closure.
PT 110 Principles of Religious Education
This course is a critical study of the principles of religious educational philosophies applied to the needs of the contemporary Church.
PT 112 Pastoral Missionary Principles I
This course is designed to provide specialized pastoral training for seminarians who plan to serve as missionaries, or those who plan on planting and opening new churches in their future ministry will learn the skills necessary to catechize and lead small Christian communities.
LP 100 Introduction to Liturgical Practice
Liturgy as Sacred Science. Purpose. Regulation. Books, sources of Missal and other rites, liturgical law. Liturgical Words and Actions. Language of Mass, Latin, Trent, modernist legislation. Scripture, liturgical formulae, sacramental actions, ritual gestures. History of the Mass. First centuries, development of Roman Mass, classical period, spread of Roman Rite, Gallican influence, Low Mass, derived rites, Trent, later revisions until Pius X. Setting of Liturgy. Private houses, basilicas, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Revival, post-War/1950s, post-Vatican II. Symbolism of styles. Altar. Adjuncts. Canopy. Crucifix, Candles, Lamps. Cloths & Frontals. Altar Furniture. Sanctuary. Font & Baptistery. Porch. Pulpit. Sacred Vessels. Vestments. Ceremonial Accessories. Organ & Choir. Liturgical Year.
LP 101 The History and Development of Liturgics
In this course the student studies the Sacrament of the Eucharist as presented by the Western Church. The student will learn to understand the Sacrament as taught by the Eastern Church and the Western Church. Roots of the New Mass. The Liturgical Movement. Historical background, early 20th century, World War II, post-war, Mediator Dei, Bugnini’s Commission for Reform, Memoria for Reform, the Liturgical Movement in the 1950s. Pre-Vatican-II Liturgical Changes. New Psalter, “Restored” Easter Vigil, Reduction of Rubrics, 1955 Holy Week, Bugnini’s assessment, consultation on the Breviary, Instruction on Sacred Music, John XXIII’s changes. Vatican II’s Liturgy Constitution. Preparatory commission, approval by council, 33 noteworthy points. Pre-1969 Changes in Mass. Consilium, Motu proprio, First Instruction, first changes in Order of Mass, communion under both kinds, Second Instruction, new Eucharistic Prayers. Part Two: The Mass of Paul VI. Background. Study Group 10. The 1969 General Instruction. Nature. Definition of Mass. Sacrifice, meal, memorial. Presence of Christ. “Institution Narrative.” Who offers the Mass? President of the Assembly. Liturgy, law, pluralism. The 1970 General Instruction. Background. Foreword. Changes in the Instruction. Problems which remain. Revisions overall. Setting and Material Requisites. Introduction. Mass facing the people. Sanctuary and its furnishings. Tabernacle. Statues. Side altars. Sacred vessels. Vestments. Summaries. The Ordo Missae of Paul. Preparatory Rites. Liturgy of Word. Liturgy of Eucharist. Concluding Rites. The Orations in the New Missal. Origins. Negative theology. Detachment from world. The departed. Ecumenism. Merits of the saints. Miracles. The New Lectionary. History. “Difficult” texts.
LP 102 Sacramental Practice The Sacraments. Overview of rites. Greater Sacramentals. Devotions. Supervised rehearsals of rubrics of the Mass, and the other sacraments. This course is a study of the rituals and ceremonies particular to the ministry of the deacon and priest. Seminarians will review and practice the following rites: assisting and celebrating at the Mass; Rite of Baptism of a Child; Rite of Matrimony; Visitation of the Sick with and without Viaticum; Vigil for the Deceased, Rite of Funerals, Committal and Final Commendation; and Benediction. This course aims at preparing candidates for the priesthood to celebrate the sacrament of Penance. The students will be provided with the necessary canonical, spiritual, moral and pastoral knowledge in order to develop sensitivity for the fruitful celebration of this sacrament. The course is eminently practical. In its doctrinal dimension, it studies the confessor’s qualities and the characteristics of a good confession, the different kinds of penitents, questions related to the absolution of sins, the sacramental seal, faculties and jurisdiction.
LP 103 The Celebration of Holy Mass
General Rubrics of Missal. Liturgical Law. The Calendar. Votive Masses. Requiem Masses. Variable parts of Mass. Defects in celebration. Material requisites. Celebration of Low Mass. Voice. Liturgical gesture. Preparation. Rubrics of Low Mass in sequence. Renewal of hosts. Purification, Faults. Administration of Communion. Special forms. Celebration of High Mass. Holy Water, Asperges. General rules. Incensation. Pax. Music. Choir ceremonies. Rubrics of Solemn Mass in sequence. Special forms. Missa Cantata. Sung Low Mass. Priest’s chants of the Mass.
LP 104 The Divine Office
General Introduction. The Psalter in Scripture. Forms of the Psalms. Versions of Psalter. Distribution of the psalms throughout the week in the Divine Office. Peculiarities in the Latin of the Vulgate Psalter. Nouns. Verbs, verbal constructions. Adverbs, adverbial phrases. Prepositions. Adjectives, adjectival forms. Miscellaneous: reduplications, oaths, interrogatives. Various terms for “lex.” Translation and exegesis of individual Psalms. Historical context for each. Explanation of difficult passages and special vocabulary. Student translation line-by-line of psalms and canticles in the order in which they appear in the Roman Breviary. The Divine Office. History: early centuries, development of Roman Office, modern Roman Office. Content & spirit of particular hours: Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, Compline. Elements of Office: Psalms, distribution of Psalms, Old Testament canticles, antiphons, responsories, Scripture, Patristic lessons, historical lessons, chapters, introductions, hymns, Athanasian Creed, Gospel canticles, Te Deum, introductory prayers, concluding prayers.
LP 105 Extra-Liturgical and Para-Liturgical Practice
The Liturgical rules and practice for Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, Novenas, Processions, the Rosary, Retreats etc.
LP 105 Church Ceremonies
A supervised practicum on the proper celebrations of the church’s various ceremoinies, sacramental, pastoral, etc. This course bridges the gap between liturgical and sacramental theory and the art of liturgical celebrations, by introducing the student in the actual celebration of the Mass and the Sacraments.
LP 106 The Role and Ministry of the Deacon
As the beginning of formation, this course is intended to introduce students to the theology of the ministry of the deacon. It will provide opportunities to explore the historical development of the diaconate, current theology, and the Bishops' guidelines for deacons in The North American Old Roman Catholic Church.
LP 109 Theology of Orders and Ministry
This course will examine the theology of ministry in general, its historical and spiritual development, and its present effect on the life of the Church. The course will focus on ordained ministry, its evolution and impact through the years. Finally, the spirituality of the diaconate and the priesthood will be explored with special emphasis on practical methods of ministering to the faithful in today's Church.
PR 100 Parish Administration as a Theological Activity
This course will explore the theological, historical, and sociological development of the parish as people of the covenant and as territorial community. This course will provide concrete insights into necessary management skills for the proper administration of the parish in light of the requirements of Canon Law.
PR 101 Pastoral Administration I
This course is an interdisciplinary practical introduction to a variety of administrative and management skills necessary for contemporary pastoral ministry, including law, finances, accounting, human resources management, strategic planning, and advancement.
ES 100 Catholic Social Teaching
This course is to acquaint the participant with the basic understandings of social ethics in ministerial life. We will discuss the underlying vision of social ethics in the church, including church teaching. We will address current issues in social ethics today. Finally, the course will explore the basic tools needed for an analytical approach to social problems in today's church.
ES 102 Christian Ethics of Stewardship: Ecological Ethics
This course will explore the philosophical and theological issues that surround the issue of ecology from the vantage point of Christian ethics. We shall situate the growing concern for human responsibility for ecological issues within the Christian vision and a search for a just ecological ethic. Philosophical issues such as anthropocentrism, property rights, ethical methodology, as well as theological issues such as the integrity of God's creation, will be explored. The focus will be on ecology while issues concerning business ethics will be touched upon from within our discussion of ecology.
ES 108 Clergy Ethics
This course has to do with the moral character and obligations that arise out of being and serving as a professional, ordained minister. By examining the principles and virtues which provide a framework for the moral dimensions of professional relationships, this course aims to help each student recognize the moral responsibilities entailed in being a professional minister and develop a set of guidelines (or personal code of ethics) for exercising priestly ministry in a professional way.
SP 100 Introduction to the History of Christian Spirituality
This course introduces the student to the nature of spirituality generally and to the movements and major themes in Christian spirituality in particular. In order to involve the student on an affective as well as a speculative level, this course attempts to introduce him to his own spirituality type and encourages personal research into the spiritual leaders of the Christian tradition. Because the origins of American spirituality are diverse, this course, while stressing the more traditional roots of Christian spirituality, also seeks to address Native American, African American and Hispanic American traditions in order to provide as global a perspective as possible.
OCS 100 Old Catholic History I
The history of the Church of Utrecht, from the evangelization of the "low countries" by St. Willibrord through the so-called First Vatican Council. Particular attention will be paid to the Devotio Moderna and Jansenist movements, the evolution of ecclesiological structures particular to the Dutch Church, and how these developments are connected to what later became Old Catholicism both within and without the "Utrecht Union."
OCS 101 Old Catholic History II
A survey of the History of Old Catholics beginning with the early Congresses immediately following the "First Vatican Council," through the establishment of Old Catholicism in England and its spread to America, including the history of the movement on this continent. The course concludes with an examination of the various ethnic and non-ethnic Ecclesial bodies with Old Catholic origins which have arisen in the Americas and a brief overview of contemporary Old Catholic issues.
OCS 102 Old Catholic Theology
This course will seek to define the particular areas of Theology where the Old Catholic Churches have either contributed to significant developments of belief or where they diverge from the general Roman Catholic definitions.
The Field Education Component at St. Francis Seminary offers students the opportunity to exercise and develop their academic, social and ministerial skills in diverse pastoral settings. Primary among the available placements is the parish; but experience in hospital, campus, prison, urban, and ethnic ministries is also provided and encouraged. A wide variety of specialized social service placements are also used.
To enhance the quality of field education experience, the Field Education Department provides an orientation and training workshop, which is required for new field education supervisors, in order to assure that they can engage in this work effectively and professionally.
Under the supervision of trained personnel, students are introduced to pastoral ministry by spending a required number of hours in pastoral work. During their course of studies, students are required to earn credits in Field Education. In their ministerial experiences - through contracted job descriptions, planned supervisory conferences and evaluations - students are expected to gain a reasonable competence in the following areas: sacramental preparation, religious education, ministry to the sick, liturgical celebration, team ministry, and collegial parish leadership.
Students are offered the opportunity to further develop pastoral skills by participating in a Pastoral Year if their respective Ordinaries deem it advisable. Not all Dioceses of the Church require this extra year, as all of our students are engaged in pastoral field work and education throughout the entire four year seminary program. The Pastoral Year is normally a parish-based experience of pastoral ministry in the student's own diocese, under the direction of the Seminary. Six units of Field Education credit are granted for the successful completion of the Pastoral Year. If the diocese should decide not to include the Pastoral Year in a seminarian's program, the student must earn the six field education credits through additional pastoral work during the seminary program.
In addition to the on-site supervision in the field, students are required to take a supervised ministry course at the Seminary, which seeks to sharpen both pastoral skills and theological reflection on pastoral situations, by means of case studies, critical incident reports, individual and shared analyses, and other methods of group learning.
St. Francis Seminary requires CPE units as part of its Field Education requirements. Clinical Pastoral Education is highly recommended for every student. The student's own diocese should arrange this during one of the summers. The Field Education Department is able to make known to the diocese / student the available CPE programs. As an extension of the Field Education program, St. Francis Seminary will grant two credits of Field Education to a student who successfully completes a full quarter of CPE at an accredited CPE program.