- Sede Primada de Nova-Terra -
La Jurisdicción Original de la Iglesia Católica Romana Antigua en las Américas
Fundada en Jerusalen en 33 A.D.; Organizada Utrecht in 696 A.D.; Establecida en Gran Bretania en 1908 A.D.; Establecida en Las Americas en 1914 A.D.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.
Latin version:
Réquiem ætérnam dona eis Dómine; et lux perpétua lúceat eis. Requiéscant in pace. Amen.

Archbishop and Seventh Metropolitan-Primate
Ordinary of the Diocese of New Jersey
Pastor of Our Lady Queen of the Holy Apostles Church
Forked River, New Jersey
Entered into Life: April 23, 1939
Entered into Eternal Life: May 18, 2011
"Behold a good and great high priest who in his days pleased God."
On Wednesday, May 18, 2011, The Most Reverend Edmund Floyd Leeman, Jr, T.O.R. entered into Eternal Life with Christ.
Archbishop Leeman had been suffering for the last several months from pancreatic cancer and from several additional complications resulting from it. His battle is now over and he has entered eternal rest, passing into the arms of the Lord he had served so faithully these many years.
Archbishop Leeman was born in Millinocket, Maine, the first child of the late Edmund F Leeman, Sr and the late Rose (Lupia) Leeman. At around the age of 5 the family moved to New Jersey where he grew up and attended school. Archbishop Leeman was a delayed vocation, entering into his ecclesiastical studies and Religious Life in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma after having worked in retail for many years, first to support his mother and siblings, and later as a career.
Archbishop Leeman was ordained to the priesthood of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church by Archbishop Edward J Ford, T.O.R. in 1981 and when the need for a diocese in the New Jersey and Mid-Atlantic area was determined, he was consecrated as the first Bishop of the Diocese of New Jersey in 1984. In 2002 he was enthroned as the Seventh Metropolitan-Primate of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church upon the resignation of Archbishop Ford from the Primacy. In 2006 Archbishop Leeman began to suffer several recurring bouts of severe illness and also developed a heart condition that led to his decision to resign from the Office of Primate, having first appointed Archbishop Ford as Primatial Vicar and subsequently as Eighth Primate of our Church when he was enthroned in 2007.
Archbishop Leeman served as the Pastor of Our Lady Queen of Holy Apostles Parish in Forked River, New Jersey and also as the Custos of the Province of The Divine Compassion for the Franciscan Friars of the Third Order Regular of St Francis of Penance.
“Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon him; May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. AMEN.”

Necrology of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church
CLERGY AND RELIGIOUS who have served in the Sacred Ministry and Apostolic Labors of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church
Throughout the many years of public ministry of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church, many clergy and religious men and women have dedicated their life and labors to the work of Almighty God and the extension of our Church. The following list is by far incomplete as a full record of the apostolic work of these dedicated men and women. Many of the records of this jurisdiction have been lost into the mists of history due to fires, moves and the early lack of a central archive to preserve these important documents and historical materials. The present listing includes those clergy and religious men and women that we either have known or have known of personally or whose records we have located or been able to reconstruct from church periodicals or records. Many others are known only to God. All of them, whether known or unknown, are remembered in our prayers and honored in their memory.
Primates of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church
Abp Rudolphe de Landas Berghes et de Rache
Abp Carmel H Carfora, OFM
Abp Hubert A Rogers
Abp James H Rogers
Abp H Lionel Quessy
Abp Edmund F Leeman, TOR
Abp Edwin W Hunter
Abp George Koerner
Abp Harry F van Trump
Abp Jose E Davilla-Garcia
Abp Antonio B Lopez y Sierra
Abp Armin von Monte de Honor
Abp Jose P Ortiz-Rodriguez
Abp Jose J Perez y Budar
Abp William A Prazsky
Abp John E Schweikert
Abp Edgar R Verostek
Bp Joseph W Alisauskas
Bp Albert D Bell
Bp Samuel D Benedict
Bp Charles A Blanchard
Bp Hieronymous M Bonaz
Bp Preston Bradley
Bp Daniel Q Brown
Bp James E Burns
Bp Robert A Burns
Bp Lawrence A Carter
Bp Stephen Corradi-Scarella
Bp Enrique J Cortes y Olmos
Bp Jose N Cortez-Villasenor
Bp James C Crummey
Bp Edmund J F Cyrus
Bp George F Davis
Bp Pamphile C Depew
Bp Francis M Donahue
Bp Basil Drapak
Bp Donald M Foster
Bp Stephen A Geniotis
Bp Peter J G Grazaeola
Bp Alfred T B Haines
Bp William S Hammond
Bp Hans Heuer
Bp Carl Howard
Bp Earl A L James
Bp C A Johnson
Bp Joseph Kelly
Bp Paul J Kleinschrodt
Bp Victor J A de Kubinyi
Bp Vincente A Linan
Bp Jose M Lopez y Valdes
Bp Archibald P Mahoney
Bp Joseph Mahurter, CCC
Bp Richard A Marchenna
Bp Paul A R Markiewicz
Bp Franciszek J Mazur
Bp Stanislaus Mickiewicz
Bp Jose A Mojica
Bp Francisco A Nobles
Bp Maurice F Parkin
Bp Edward C Paine
Bp Andre Penacchio
Bp Angel R Perez
Bp Anthony Prazsky
Bp Frederick L Pyman
Bp Francis X Resch
Bp Harry E Riel
Bp Antonio Rodriguez
Bp Alberto L Rodriguez y Durand
Bp Emile F Rodriguez y Fairfield
Bp Eleuterio B Gomez Rubalcaba
Bp Mather J Sherwood
Bp Roman Slocinski
Bp Julian L Smith
Bp Cyrus A Starkey
Bp J Morrison Thomas
Bp Jose E Valdez
Bp Francisco J Duran de la Vega
Bp Charles G Vestle
Bp Zygmunt K Vipartas
Bp John R Weld
Rt Rev Msgr Jose Reynoso
Rt Rev Msgr Salvador A Rodriguez
Rt Rev Msgr Peter J Selva
Rt Rev Msgr Mario Viates
Very Rev Msgr Francis P Gerald
Very Rev Msgr Edward J Higgins
Very Rev Msgr Francis X Hollenberger
Very Rev Msgr Robert Joschko
Very Rev Msgr George Kendric
Very Rev Msgr Arthur LaFay
Very Rev Msgr Franz Mueller
Very Rev Msgr M Popel
Very Rev Msgr Arthur C Rainer
Very Rev Msgr Custodius C Raposo
Very Rev Gregory C E Reynolds, OPSJ
Very Rev Dennis Canon Barrett
Very Rev Alexander Canon Greaves
Very Rev Sydney Canon Ferguson
Very Rev Charles Canon Rhoden
Fr George Albi
Fr H V Anderton
Fr Jerome Attanasio
Fr Richard M Baldwin
Fr Romualdus Barsis
Fr William Benson
Fr Nicholas Bobek, OFM
Fr Adam Bogdanowicz
Fr Francis I Boryszewski
Fr Peter Botto
Fr John Bresingham, OFM
Fr Ludovic Brodowicz
Fr Engold Brown
Fr J Browns
Fr A M Cacaveri
Fr Charles W Campbell
Fr Lionel L Capers
Fr Carr
Fr John R Chamberlain
Fr John Charles, SSC
Fr Francis Dalrymple, OSB
Fr Anthony DeMattos
Fr Gladstone Demott
Fr Isaac Derrick
Fr Jacques Diotte
Fr Charles Dixon
Fr Wladislaus Dyniewicz
Fr C C Ferraro
Fr Joseph Foltynski
Fr Oscar Galamberti
Fr Gerard Grateau
Fr David R Gushea
Fr LaVon M Haithman
Fr Thomas Horbay
Fr Joseph Irving
Fr John Owen James
Fr Anthony Kirvilaitis
Fr Andrew Kluzak
Fr Charles Krivachek, OFM
Fr (Abbe) Georges LaBelle
Fr LaMoto
Fr Harvey D LaPorte, SSB
Fr Robert Leonard
Fr Stanley Linkus
Fr John London
Fr Alphonso A Lord
Fr Helmut Norbert Maas
Fr Edward Maskell
Fr Louis Mazzolla
Fr Carlo Miglioli
Fr Francis A Mikalauskas
Fr Adalbertus Miskoviec
Fr Augustine Mogica, OFM
Fr Louis Monje
Fr Rafael Moreno-Guillen
Fr Camerino Garcia Mota, OFM
Fr Gordon Mullen
Fr Demetrius Mykietiak
Fr George A Newmark
Fr Ildefonso Beltran Nunez
Fr Joseph Nurkiewicz
Fr O’Brien
Fr W J Pawlowski
Fr Vincent Piscitelli
Fr Louis Rangel, OFM
Fr George R Reardon
Fr Henry Reihl
Fr Werner J Scharte
Fr F S Seal
Fr Peter Seghizzi, OSF
Fr Norman Sieme
Fr Stanslaus Sleinis
Fr Karsten Hans Heinrich Stapelfeldt
Fr Joseph Torres
Fr Clement J Tuscher, SSB
Fr Paul Heinz Vogel
Fr Frederick Weichaert
Fr Mortimer Woods
Fr Alexander Yuppa
Fr Zalink
Fr Paul Zelink
Fr Phillip A Zerbo
Fr Robert Zimmer
Fr Michael X Zukauskas
Deacon Yvan Courchesne, OFM
Deacon Hallam Denny
Deacon Jean Dupuis, FSJMV
Deacon Rudolph Griffith
Deacon Clifton Yearwood
Subdeacons, Clerics and Seminarians
Subdeacon Edward C Waterman
Cleric Jose Apolinar Contreras Garcia
Cleric Joseph O’Connor
Cleric (Frater) Albert Schirmacher, OFM
Cleric Constantino Venziano
Religious Brothers
Bro Louis Kraszity, TOR
Bro Jean Roy, FSJMV
Bro Louis, OFM
Bro Damian, CCC
Religious Sisters
Sister Rose Marie Miller, O Carm
Sister Judith Theresa Provost, OSC
Sister Marie Pierre Richard, FSJMV
Sister Mary Bernarda, OSF