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The Patrimony of the Primatial See


The Patrimony of the Primatial See was officially established as a canonical ecclesiastical jurisdiction within The North American Old Roman Catholic Church with the promulgation of the new Constitution and Codex of Canon Law in 2011. Since the original foundation of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church under Archbishop Berghes, any parochial work or individual clergy or religious were placed under the immediate ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Primate. After the establishment of the first dioceses of the church during the adminstration of Archbishop Carfora, those parishes, missions, clergy and religious who lived too far from an established diocese were placed under the Primate's direct ecclesiastical authority and jurisiction. It is only since the promulgation of the new Constitution and Codex of Canon Law, that those parochial works, clergy, religious and laity were given a specific ecclesiastical identity, with a visible presence and participation at Synod, as a recognized and integral  and canonical unit of Church administration and government. 


The Patrimony of the Primatial See includes all of those parishes, missions, and faith communities, as well as individual clergy and religious who live in areas well outside of the confines of an established diocese of this Church, and who lacking a bishop of their own, are placed under the direct spiritual and jurisdictional authority of the Primate of The North American Old Roman Catholic Church, who thus serves as their ecclesiastical superior and Ordinary until such time as a diocesan structure can be established to more regularly serve their spiritual needs. They are represented at Synods of the Church by virtue of delegates from the Patrimony, who are appointed by the Primate, to canonically represent the members of the parochial works together the clergy, religious and laity therein, who constitute the Patrimony of the Primatial See. of arms.jpg
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The Most Reverend Edward J. Ford, T.O.R., S.T.D.








Ordinary:                       The Most Reverend Edward J. Ford, T.O.R.

Vicar General:               







Saint Matthew                                       Punjab, Pakistan                         Fr Nawab

Mission                                                   Bangalore, India                         Fr Benedict

Notre Dame du Rosaire                       Haiti                                              Fr Exile, T.O.R.

Mission                                                   Haiti                                              Fr Julien







Saint Matthew's School                                  Chowk Azam, Pakistan

Saint Michael's School                                    Karror, Pakistan

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