- Sede Primada de Nova-Terra -
La Jurisdicción Original de la Iglesia Católica Romana Antigua en las Américas
Fundada en Jerusalen en 33 A.D.; Organizada Utrecht in 696 A.D.; Establecida en Gran Bretania en 1908 A.D.; Establecida en Las Americas en 1914 A.D.

Textbooks used at
Saint Francis of Assisi Theological Seminary
Saint Francis of Assisi Theological Seminary is dedicated to producing a well trained and theologically sound core of priests and clergy for service in the North American Old Roman Catholic Church and other select Old Roman Catholic jurisdictions.
Understanding that most, if not all of our seminarians are men holding secular employment and who are often supporting and raising families as well as themselves, thereby making time for studies more difficult; and while remaining committed to supporting and nurturing the primary Christian responsibilities that these dedicated men have to their families and at the same time attempting to permit them the opportunity to pursue their priestly vocations, we have designed our courses to be as comprehensive and as consistent regarding quality and scope of theological education as was true of any Catholic seminary in years past, while striving not to over-burden or overwhelm our students and thereby possibly causing them to curtail their studies early and resulting in the loss or extinguishing of the zeal of their vocations in the process.
To this end we have attempted to tailor our textbooks to those with a reading level geared to seniors in high school and to incoming college students. The texts chosen are from a period of time when Catholic doctrine was clearly delineated in those texts but was stated in easily understood language, thus making it possible for students who cannot dedicate a full six to eight hours per day to their studies under the ever-present watchful eye of a professor in a classroom, to continue and to advance in their seminary program of studies at home under the direction of an assigned mentor from the seminary staff with whom they are in regular contact, as well as with the various professors and instructors of the seminary itself. Thus our students can study and progress at their own pace according to the availability of time and resources for each one individually.
The books marked with an asterisk are mandatory texts that will be used at some point in the four or more years of theological eduction at St Francis Seminary. The remaining books are strongly suggested additions to our seminarian's and priest's libraries as they will prove themselves useful for spiritual development and also later in their parochial ministry.
Please keep checking back to find the newset listing of seminary textbooks and additional resource and theological education materials. Some of these books can also be found as PDF files on our Reference Library page which can be found under the Resources tab above.
*Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture by Bp Frederick Knecht
*Douay Rheims Bible ----------------------------------
*Textual Concordance on Holy Scripture by Fr Thomas D Williams
*33 Doctors of the Church by Fr Christopher Rengers, OFM Cap
*Right and Reason by Fr Austin Fagothey, SJ
*The Spiritual Life by Fr Adolphe Tanqueray, SSDD
*Chief Truths of the Faith - Book 1 by Fr John Laux
*Mass and the Sacraments - Book 2 by Fr John Laux
*Catholic Morality- Book 3 by Fr John Laux
*Catholic Apologetics- Book 4 by Fr John Laux
*Introduction to the Bible by Fr John Laux
*Church History by Fr John Laux
*This Is The Faith by Canon Francis J Ripley
A Year With the Saints: A Virtue for Every Day by Anonymous
*Lives of the Saints For Every Day in the Year by Fr Alban Butler
*The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis
*Spiritual Exercises by St Ignatius Loyola
*The Incredible Catholic Mass by Fr Martin von Cochem, OSFC
*The Hidden Treasure: Holy Mass by St Leonard of Port Maurice
*Bible History: A Textbook by Fr George Johnson
*Liturgical Time Bombs in Vatican II by Michael Davies
*The Book of Destiny by Fr Herman B Kramer
*Liturgical Shipwreck (pamphlet) by Michael Davies
Retreat Companion for Priests by Fr Francis P Havey, SSDD
*-The Four Last Things by Fr Martin von Cochem, OSFC
*Where We Got the Bible by Fr Henry G Graham
*Scripture Alone? (pamphlet) by Joel Peters
*Apologetics by Msgr Paul Glenn
*Faith of Our Fathers by James Cardinal Gibbons
*A Short History of the Roman Rite (pamphlet) by Michael Davies
*Abortion: Yes or No? (pamphlet) by John Grady, MD
Catechism of Mental Prayer by Fr Joseph Simpler
Confession: Its Fruitful Practice (pamphlet) by Benedictine Sisters
Seven Capital Sins (pamphlet) by Benedictine Sisters
*How to Serve Simple, Solemn, and Pontifical Functions by Dom Matthew Britt, OSB
*Introduction to the Devout Life by St Francis de Sales
*Baltimore Catechism by Third Plenary Council of Baltimore
Dark Night of the Soul by St John of the Cross
*Christ Denied by Fr Paul Wickens
*Evidence of Satan in the Modern World by Fr Leon Cristiani
*Tour of the Summa of St Thomas Aquinas by Msgr Paul Glenn
Catechism of Modernism by Fr J B Lemius
*Latin Grammar by Cora and Charles Scanlon
Catholic Catechism by Fr W Faeber
A Child’s Bible History by Bp Frederick J Knecht
*The Church Teaches by John F Clarkson
*College Apologetics by Fr Anthony Alexander
Catechism of the Crisis by Fr Matthew Gaudron
*Against the Heresies by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
*The Fallacy Detective by Nathan & Hans Bluedorn
*Catechism of the Council of Trent by St Robert Bellarmine’s Commission
*My Catholic Faith by Bishop Louis LaRavoire Morrow
The Intellectual Life by A D Sertillanges, OP
*Catechism of the Summa of St Thomas Aquinas by Fr R P Pegues
*Sources of Catholic Dogma by Heinrich Denzinger
*Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma by Ludwig Ott
Ordinary Magisterium: Pope or Church by Dom Paul Nau, Canon Rene Berthold
*Christ Acts Through the Sacraments by A M Roguet
Fabiola by Nicholas Cardinal Wiseman
*The Mass: A Study of the Roman Rite by Adrian Fortescue
*Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described by Adrian Fortescue, J B O’Connell
*The English Missal
*The English Ritual
*A Manual For Priests by The Society of St John the Evangelist
FROM CHURCH PUBLISHING (formerly Church Hymnal Corporation)
*The Hymnal 1940
*The Adoremus Hymnal
*The Ignatius Bible
Divine Parables Explained by Fr Joseph Prachensky, SJ
*Iota Unum by Professor Romano Amerio
*Gregorian Chant: A Guide to History and Liturgy by Dom Daniel Saulnier, OSB
Manual of Dogmatic Theology (6 books) by Msgr Joseph Pohle, Arthur Preuss
* History of the Catholic Church (3 vols) by Msgr Phillip Hughes
*An Overview of Gregorian Chant by Dom Eugenie Cardine
*Calvary and the Mass by Archbishop Fulton J Sheen
*Dictionary of Ecclesiastical Latin by Leo Stelton
*The Great Sacrilege by Fr James Wathen
*Aquinas’ Shorter Summa by St Thomas Aquinas
*Dictionary of Scholastic Philosophy by Bernard Wuellner, SJ
*Philosophia Perennis (Vol 1 & 3) by Bro Francis Maluf, MICM
*Early Church History Library (3 vols) by CF Cruse, Wm Whiston, CD Yonge
*Christian Counseling revised and updated by Gary R Collins
Psychology, Theology & Spirituality in Christian Counseling by Mark R McMinn
*Christian Counseling Ethics by Randolph K Sanders
*Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling by John J Kruis
*Early Christian Doctrines by JND Kelly
*Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance (KJV) by James Strong
*Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary by WE Vine
*Nelson’s Complete Book of Bible Maps & Charts by Thomas Nelson
*An Introduction to Philosophy by Norman Geisler
*Canon of Scripture by FF Bruce
*Apostolic Fathers in English by Michael W Holmes
*Faith of the Early Fathers (3 vols) by William A Jurgens
*Butler’s Lives of the Saints: New Concise Edition by Paul Burns
*Not By Faith Alone by Robert A Sungenis
*Not By Scripture Alone by Robert A Sungenis
*Not by Bread Alone by Robert A Sungenis
*Bible Studies for Catholics by Robert A Sungenis
*Old Catholic: History, Ministry, Faith & Mission by Archbishop Andre Queen
*Oremus: Prayerbook for the Old Catholic Priest by Archbishop Andre Queen
*Credo: Catechism of the Old Catholic Church by Archbishop Andre Queen
*The Shape of the Liturgy by Dom Gregory Dix