- Primatial See of Nova-Terra -
The Original, Historic, and Canonical Old Roman Catholic
Tridentine Mass Jurisdiction in The Americas
Founded at Jerusalem in 33 A.D.; Organized at Utrecht in 696 A.D.; Established in Great Britain in 1908 A.D.; Established in America in 1914 A.D.
Photos from around the church and through the years.

Our Lady looks out and greets parishioners and visitors to her Son's Church.

St Mary's Church,
Max Meadows, VA
This gallery is dedicated to dispaying the many exquisite antique pieces of church furniture and furnishings of the altar and sanctuary of Saint Mary's Old Roman Catholic Church located in Max Meadows, Virginia all of which have been set apart and dedicated to the worship and greater glory of Almighty God.
Click on the individual picture and it will open
in a larger and expanded view in a
separate window.

General Synod 1990
Brooklyn, New York
These photos are from the Archives of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church. General Synod took place at the former (later destroyed by fire) Saint Augustine's Cathedral from August 31st to September 2nd.
Click on the individual picture and it will open
in a larger and expanded view in a
separate window.

Solemn Enthronement as Sixth Primate
February 23, 1992
These pictures from the Archives of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church were taken on the occasion of the Solemn Enthronement of Archbishop Edward J. Ford as the Sixth Metropolitan-Primate of the North American Old Roman Cathol;ixc Church at the Church of Saint Joseph in Munroe, New York, The reception was held at St David's Church in Highland Mills, New York.
Click on the individual picture and it will open
in a larger and expanded view in a
separate window.

Ordination to Deacon
June 28, 2008
These pictures from the Archives of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church were taken on the occasion of the Ordination to the Diaconate of The Reverend Mister John Doughty of New York and of The Reverend Mister Warren Morris of Massachusetts at the Christ Church-Episcopal in Nedham, Massachusetts on June 28, 2008, by Archbishop Edward J. Ford, T.O.R..
Click on the individual picture and it will open
in a larger and expanded view in a
separate window.

Ordination to the Priesthood
October 17, 2009
These pictures from the Archives of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church were taken on the occasion of the Ordination to the Sacred Priesthood of Father Warren Morris of Massachusetts at Christ Church-Episcopal in Needham, Massachusetts on October17, 2009 by Archbishop Edward J. Ford, T.O.R.
Click on the individual picture and it will open
in a larger and expanded view in a
separate window.

Consecration to the Episcopacy
October 16, 2011
These pictures from the Archives of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church were taken on the occasion of the Consecration of Bishop Irvin Nicholas Plant of Virginia at the Cathedral of the Air in Lakehurst, NJ by Archbishop Edward J Ford, T.O.R. and Bishop Vincent Natoli, O.F.M. on October 15, 2011.
Click on the individual picture and it will open
in a larger and expanded view in a
separate window.

Primates of the
North American Old
Roman Catholic Church
These pictures from the Archives of the North American Old Roman Catholic Church depict our Metropolitan-Primates from the organization of the Church in America to the present.
(1) Archbishop RE Berghes [1916-1919]
(2) Archbishop Carfora [1919-1958]
(3) Archbishop HA Rogers [1958-1972]
(4) Archbishop JH Rogers [1972-1990]
(5) Archbishop HL Quessy [1990-1991]
(6) Archbishop EJ Ford [1991-2002]
(7) Archbishop EF Leeman [2002-2006]
(8) Archbishop EJ Ford [2006-2024]
(9) Archbishop RV Falquez [2024-present]

Fr Clifton presents Sean Jackson for the receiving of the First Clerical Tonsure

Fr Clifton reads the Mandate for Sean to receive the Clerical Tonsure

Father John Clifton, Archbishop Edward J Ford, TOR, Rev Mr Sean Jackson and his wife Melissa Jackson gathered at the altar at the conclusion of the Mass.

Fr Clifton presents Sean Jackson for the receiving of the First Clerical Tonsure
The Conferring of the First Clerical Tonsure upon Mr. Sean Jackson
On Easter Sunday April 5, 2015 Archbishop Ford conferered upon Mr Sean Jackson of New Jersey the First Clerical Tonsure and thus received him into the ministry of the North merican Old Roman Catholic Church. The ceremony took place at the Easter Sunday Mass of the Church of the Prince of Peace in Sanford, Maine with whom our Parish of the Most Blessed Sacrament shares the building. The members of the Church of the Prince of Peace were pleased to be able to witness and share with us the reception of a new Cleric into our jurisdiction and to observe the beauty and spiritual significance to the ceremonies of the Rite of Tonsure and its understanding by the Old Roman Catholic Church.