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Take a moment and ask God to help you discern His calling for you.


Does This Describe You?


  • I am in love with Jesus. I have a personal relationship with Jesus. I want what Jesus wants. The Lord's teachings and Truth are a real part of my everyday life.

  • I have zeal for the Faith. I love my Catholic faith and I am willing to devote myself to bringing it to others.

  • I am open to the will of God in my life. I believe that God has a plan for me. I truly want to discover and follow God’s plan for my life. My own desires are secondary to God's desires for me.

  • I feel called to the Priesthood or Religious Life. I believe that while celibacy is recommended by the Church for her Priests, it should be a voluntary state of life and that Marriage should not an impediment to the Priesthood or Priesthood an impediment to Marriage. I also believe that by Profession of the vow of Chastity, Religious Priests, Brothers and Sisters are called to a celibate life.

  • I feel the Holy Ghost calling me to live out my Baptismal promises. I feel called to proclaim the Gospel and build God's Kingdom.

  • Prayer is part of my everyday life. Sometimes I find myself praying, talking to Jesus, and was not even aware that I was doing so.  I read the Bible and take time for personal prayer.

  • I have a desire to be a Priest, a Deacon, or a Religious Brother or Sister. I see the Priesthood, the Diaconate and Religious Life as a fulfilling life even though I know it involves personal sacrifice.  I can imagine myself as a Priest or as a Deacon or as a Religious.

  • I am a believing, practicing member of the Old Roman Catholic Church. I believe in the Truths taught by the Church. I go to Mass every Sunday and on Holy Days.

  • I have discussed the Ministry or Religious Life with my family and they support my desire to pursue the active ministry as a Priest or Deacon or as a Religious.

  • I feel love and compassion for others. I want what is best for every person: to love Jesus, to live a holy life, and to go to heaven.

  • I believe in a life of service, and actively serve others in my church and community.

  • I try to live a virtuous life. I know what is right and wrong according to the teaching of Jesus and his Church.  I have developed a well formed conscience and follow it in my daily life. People I know would say that I am striving to live a virtuous Christian life.

  • I have basic human goodness. I am generous and unselfish. I am kind and gentle with others.

  • I am able to make friends easily, and I enjoy being with people.

  • I have a good sense of humor. I am able to laugh at myself and with others.

  • I am physically, emotionally, and psychologically stable. I have the stability necessary to care for myself and others. 

  • I have self-control. I am courteous, punctual, and composed. I can control my anger. I have a healthy amount of personal discipline. I fulfill my personal responsibilities and duties towards myself, others, my country, and most especially to God.

  • I have stability in my lifestyle and in my relationships or marriage. I have a good interpersonal, scholastic, and employment history. I feel comfortable with myself and I am successful in my endeavors.

  • I have a healthy psycho-sexual orientation. I have a normal sexual attraction for the opposite sex and this attraction is under the control of my will. I do not have any sexual addictions or aberrant sexual behaviors.

  • I am capable of college level study and perform well in school.

  • I take good care of myself. I maintain a neat appearance and proper hygiene.

  • I have good manners.

  • I communicate clearly and logically. I develop well formed and thought out ideas and can convey them to others.

  • I can accept failure. I do not quit when things get tough. My self-esteem remains healthy even when projects and endeavors do not succeed.

  • Others have told me that I would make a good Priest, Deacon or Religious. People in my life (priests, parishioners, family members) have suggested that I should think about the Priesthood or Religious Life. Things keep happening that make me think I should become a Priest, a Deacon or a Religious Brother or Sister. 




      ...AS A DEACON

            ...AS A PRIEST

                  ...AS A BROTHER

                        ...AS A SISTER...

"And He saith unto them, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men."    (St Matthew 4: 19)


Could I Have A Vocation...


In simple words, yes, we all do.  God has a role for each of us in His kingdom.


But, how can I be sure that God is calling me to a life of professional commitment to His people through ministry in the Church?


Some people can enter a church and feel suddenly at peace.  Some are taken by the beauty of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass or another liturgical service.  Some feel a passion for proclaiming God's Word and for teaching.  Some see the suffering or need in their brothers and sisters and want to help - not just with the immediate need but with God's eternal love.  Others look to the holy example of the Saints and modern heroes, who espouse and live according to God's Word, and seek to follow that example.


Yes, each person has a role in God's Kingdom.  The role is clearest when we listen to God's plan for us.  When we wipe away the facades and the pretenses, and stand before God as the people we really are.  When we do this we can say to the Lord - "Here am I, for Thou didst call me."  We are then ready to strive to meet that calling with all our energy, freely giving of ourselves and our talents in the process.


Giving ourselves to God does not necessarily require us to commit to the life of a Priest or Deacon or to the Religious Life. It does require that we give ourselves to God fully in each thing we do.  It requires us to see Christ in all of our brothers and sisters - especially in those where it is most difficult to find Him.


 If you have undertaken and committed to a process of striving to follow God's will in everything you do, and have done so for quite a while, you may be at the right moment in your life - a moment in which God is clearly calling you to investigate making a full time commitment to Him as a Priest, as a Deacon, as a Religious Brother or as a Religious Sister.


 A commitment at this level is filled with rewards, the greatest of which is serving the Lord.  At the same time there are necessary sacrifices.  As with any vocation the rewards and sacrifices are in balance as long as the individual taking them on is in balance.  In the ministry and in Religious Life, this balance is aided by God's gift of Grace imparted at ordination and at Religious Profession.  

Are you ready to "Investigate the Possibilities"?


If the 25 points listed to the left make sense to you……If you can see how they apply in your life…then the time is right to explore the possibilities of a life in the ministry of the Church.


Whether you are married or single, a recent graduate, or on your second or third career, we encourage you to "Investigate the Possibilities".


To find out more about vocations to the Diaconate and the Priesthood, please contact us by e-mail at:


You can also contact Saint Francis of Assisi Theological Seminary by e-mail at:


For those looking to investigate a possible vocation as a Religious Priest, Brother or Sister, you should contact the Vocations Director for the appropriate Community or Order. If you are not sure how to do so, please contact the Vocations Director for The North American Old Roman Catholic Church, and he will forward your inquiry to the appropriate person.


“And He saith unto them, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed Him.”   (St Matthew 4: 19-20)


If you wish to pursue further inquiries or to learn about the Incardination or Seminary Entrance process, please click on the button below.



O Lord Jesus Christ, Thou hast told us that "The harvest truly is great but the laborers are few; pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest." (Luke 10:2).  We ask Thee to call dedicated men and women to Thy service in The North American Old Roman Catholic Church.


We beseech Thee to give to parents the necessary generosity and trust so that their children may be helped to choose their vocations with faith, wisdom, and in complete freedom.


 We beseech Thee that we may know and follow the vocation to which Thou hast called us.


 We pray especially for those who have been called to serve as Priests and Deacons; for those who have answered Thy call to the Religious Life as vowed Priests, Brothers or Sisters; for those whom Thou hast called; for those whom Thou art calling now; and for those whom Thou wilt call in the future. May they be open and responsive to the call of serving Thy people, in Thy Church. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord.



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